Absorption Chillers, technology uses heat in place of electricity for cooling. With the growing power crisis, moving towards distributed power, planned phase out of the CFC/HCFC based refrigerants and growing concern about global warming, the absorption cooling has emerged as a viable alternative to conventional electrically powered options. As a cost effective and environment friendly alternative to electricity driven compression chillers. It offers expert solutions in Process Chilling & Air conditioning for industrial as well as commercial application SBU’s strength lies in customized solutions as per the equipment of customers. Unlike electrical chillers, adsorption Chillers are powered by heat. These machines can run on a variety of heat sources, e.g. steam, hot water, liquid/ gaseous fuels, exhaust gases and/or a combination.
Exhaust & Multi Energy Fired Chiller
Capacity 40 TR to 4000 TR (140 kW to 14,000 kW)
Steam Fired Chiller
Capacity120 TR to 2500 TR (420 kW to 8775 kW)
Hot Water Steam Fired Chiller
CapacityThermax machines, achieving outlet temperature down to 0ºC
Direct Fired Chiller
Capacity50 TR to 3,000 TR (175 kW to 10540 kW)